Is there evidence of systemic racism in the United States?

Best refutation of the myth of white supremacy and black oppression I have seen in a long time. WinteryKnight always does great work.


Systemic racism is the idea that people can’t lift themselves out of poverty by making good decisions, because powerful groups in society that hold the poor down, regardless of their decisions. Do you think that America is a place where no matter what choices you make, you’ll never be able to be more prosperous? That’s what the leaders of Black Lives Matter think.

Here’s what Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the 1619 Project, says in the New York Times (a former newspaper):

To summarize, none of the actions we are told black people must take if they want to “lift themselves” out of poverty and gain financial stability — not marrying, not getting educated, not saving more, not owning a home — can mitigate 400 years of racialized plundering.

Got that? It doesn’t matter what individual choices a non-white person takes in America, they’re going to be poor. The “systemic racism”…

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SOURCE: This article is written by the far-left radical Nicholas Kristof, writing in the radically-leftist New York Times. (A former newspaper)


THIS is an awkward question, but here goes: Why are Asian-Americans so successful in America?

It’s no secret that Asian-Americans are disproportionately stars in American schools, and even in American society as a whole. Census data show that Americans of Asian heritage earn more than other groups, including whites. Asian-Americans also have higher educational attainment than any other group.

[…]Does the success of Asian-Americans suggest that the age of discrimination is behind us?

A new scholarly book, “The Asian American Achievement Paradox,” by Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou, notes that Asian-American immigrants in recent decades have started with one advantage: They are highly educated, more so even than the average American. These immigrants are disproportionately doctors, research scientists and other highly educated professionals.

It’s not surprising that the children of Asian-American doctors would flourish in the United States. But Lee and Zhou note that kids of working-class Asian-Americans often also thrive, showing remarkable upward mobility.

Part of the problem is that non-Asian Americans take a passive view of life, believing that high grades come to those who are naturally smart – not to those who work harder:

There’s also evidence that Americans believe that A’s go to smart kids, while Asians are more likely to think that they go to hard workers… Asian-American kids are allowed no excuse for getting B’s — or even an A-. The joke is that an A- is an “Asian F.”

And, as the image I posted above shows, Asian girls are given boundaries on their sexuality, causing them to choose men who will be good husbands and fathers, and making those men marry before being given sex – factors proven to improve marital stability:

Strong two-parent families are a factor, too. Divorce rates are much lower for many Asian-American communities than for Americans as a whole, and there’s evidence that two-parent households are less likely to sink into poverty and also have better outcomes for boys in particular.

So, let’s be real – if white racial discrimination held non-white groups back, then Asians would be in the same situation as blacks and hispanics. But Asians are not being held back, because of their strong marriage culture and focus on hard work. Whites don’t hold anyone back. This is just a myth that Democrats use to make blacks (and hispanics) think that they need government to save them from the bogeyman. Asians don’t need saving, and neither do any other non-white groups.

We can start by shaming women of all races who choose to have sex with men who are not ready for marriage. There are lots of men out  there who are willing to marry, and that should be what women are looking for most of all in a man. That change alone will probably erase most of the achievement gap between different racial groups. Does anyone have the courage to tell young women (of all races) to be more responsible with their sexual decisions? The out-of-wedlock birth rate for blacks is over 70%. This causes massive poverty and crime in the black community. Does anyone have the courage to tell blacks that they are doing this to themselves?

If white Americans are racist, how come Asians do so well in America? | WINTERY KNIGHT

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WATCH: New Caucasian NYC Rapper Video says All NYC Cops are Racist White Brutes

“ALL COPS ARE PUPPETS” – If you’re offended by me using this meme in my post, please go get your Sarcasm-Detector re-calibrated, Thanks, Captain Howdy

It’s just too way easy to find a, screw all cops and screw all white people also stories to post on my sites advocating for the cops and looking into race relations in Amerikkka.

So a very woke, new on the scene white rapper, who is nothing but a copycat – he’s new on the scene so he burst all out with a F all the cops and a F all the white people too song and video.

In the lyrics and the video, they portray a cop that’s a little bit racist and a little bit brutal, and what race would you guess he is? Actually it shows a lot of racist white cops that like to beat on black guys for fun.

The very woke & “progressive” white rapper brings up the KKK. Which even the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center have both said, there are officially less than 10,000 KKK members in America today. And last week even, they held a KKK rally in Dayton Ohio, in Amerikka no less, and only 9 people showed up. Probably because they was too scared of all the 600+ protestors that showed up to oppose them.

And then the story told in the video goes on to slavery, Jim Crow and all that jive. And of course criminals can’t help but commit crime, because they are poor little poor people and y’all know poverty causes crime (I’m just being a little sarcastic just to keep my sanity of course).

I wonder why Dylann Roof don’t get a break for being poor? Wait a minute, was that monster poor? Really???

Devon Tracy, here, is a true liberal, not one of them far-left Progressive liberals of the day. He’s the only one on the left I know of speaking about this kind of stuff, so y’all might want to sub to his channel.

New Woke Whight NYC Rapper spits out Song and Video, says all NYC Police are Brutal Racist Whight Oinkers


Forensic Criminologist Ron Martinell says CITIZENS NEED MORE DE-ESCALATION TRAINING than Cops

POVERTY NO EXCUSE for Crime says Race and Social Problems Journal Study

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Tariq Nasheed trying to stoke a War Against Cops again after Baytown cop shooting killing a Black Woman

Here is Nasheed’s response to the recent cop shooting of a black woman in Baytown Texas who was said to be pregnant, unarmed and murdered but was neither pregnant, or unarmed or murdered. Look at Tariq’s tweet and tell me he is not trying to stoke a war against cops (race soldiers in his lingo). He, along with The Young Turks, has already incited Gavin Long to assassinate 3 cops in Baton Rouge about 3-4 years ago according to Long’s twitter account and Tweets were he retweets Nasheeds tweet and and uses the language from a TYT video almost verbatim. Please check out the 2 links above after reading his tweets here.

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Proportionality Shows Almost 100% of Police Contacts With Citizens DO NOT RESULT IN EXCESSIVE FORCE

Comparing the number of excessive force complaints with the number of times cops have contact with citizens per year the percentage is SO LOW that if you are forced to round off that number, 0.003 9%, you have to round off to 100% and say that almost 100% of officer contacts with citizens do not result in uses of excessive force.

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Based on recent media attention one might wonder what’s with all the police violence. Are the police out of control? Are there any honest cops left?

As of 2012 there were 313,910,000 people living within the US. For that same year the FBI said there were just over 670,000 sworn peace officers. This equates to being less 2 1/2 peace officers for every 1000 people. So our peace officers represent less than a quarter percent of the population and in the performance of their duties will come into contact with about seventeen percent of the population, and then subsequently arrest less than four percent of the population, and that’s assuming that no single person was arrested more than once that given year.

Excessive force complaints can come from anyone. Let’s actually focus in on the scope of officer contacts. So in a year’s time 670,000 cops had contact with over 53,000,000 citizens. These contacts could be anything from being pulled over, issued a citation, given a warning, interviewed as a witness, requesting a service, involved in a collision, reporting a crime witnessed., victim of a crime, disabled motorist, consensual encounter or even being arrested.

Of all those millions of contacts the Bureau of Justice Statistics last identified that 26,000 complaints were made due to excessive force, this is not quite half of 0.1 percent of all police contacts. Of those complaints only 8% were sustained having any form of merit or evidence. That’s 2080 sustained complaints, or 0.003 9%, of all law enforcement contacts.

To put things in perspective in the same time frame eighty four thousand three hundred and seventy six people in the u.s. reported being forcibly raped. Thirty thousand eight hundred were killed in traffic collisions and fourteen thousand eight hundred and twenty seven were murdered. So in regards to true excessive force by the police you are seven times more likely to be murdered, fifteen times more likely to be killed in the burning wreck that used to be your car and forty two times more likely to be raped, but probably not by a cop.

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Black People are more racist than Whites: 2.4 times more likely to commit Hate Crimes

According the the FBI Black People are almost 2.5 times more likely to commit a Hate Crime. In 2015 White people committed 48.4% of Hate Crimes while being 63% of the population. Black People committed 24.3% of Hate Crime despite only being 13% of the population. I am not a mathematician but I think that figures out to Black People being 2.433 times more likely to commit a Hate Crime. Does this mean Black People are 2.4 times as racist as White People?

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FBI Report Shows That Cop-Killers Are Inspired By Black Lives Matter, Politicians, And The Media

The Washington Examiner: An internal FBI investigation into the spike of attacks on law enforcement has determined that revenge, inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, the media’s assault on police shootings, and criticism from politicians, is the what motivates a “majority” of those targeting cops.

“Law enforcement officials believe that defiance and hostility displayed by assailants toward law enforcement appears to be the new norm,” said the internal report stamped “For Official Use Only.”

Portraits of the five murdered Dallas police officers sit in front of city hall in 2016. TONY GUTIERREZ/AP

Just Tuesday, the start of National Police Week, two Chicago police were wounded in “targeted” shootings, the latest in the escalation of attacks on the badge.

The four-page report provided to Secrets said that an anti-police wave following the 2014 police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., is what drove most of those accused of killing law enforcement officers in 2016. In 53 shootings, 60 police were killed last year.

The report studied 50 of 64 killings of police in 2016 and found 14 simply wanted to kill police.

“The assailants inspired by social and/or political reasons believed that attacking police officers was their way to ‘get justice’ for those who had been, in their view, unjustly killed by law enforcement,” said the report. In two horrific assassinations of police, the report said that “the assailants said they were influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement.”

Another reason for killing police, according to the FBI, was a “desire to remain free.”

The report said that in some 40 percent of the attacks on police, the assailants ran then turned and shot at oncoming police.

And in many of the shootings, drugs were involved.

The result has been a “chill wind” on law enforcement, and a somewhat understandable pull back by cops in dangerous situations, since even top officials, including former President Obama, have been critical.

“Nearly every police official interviewed agreed that for the first time, law enforcement not only felt that their national political leaders publicly stood against them, but also that the politicians’ words and actions signified that disrespect to law enforcement was acceptable in the aftermath of the Brown shooting,” said the FBI.

“Police officials across the country agreed that while the majority of Americans still support law enforcement, this change in social mores allows assailants to become more emboldened to question, resist, and fight law enforcement,” it added.

Enter the media, and the FBI said that killers feel justified.

“Due to the coverage of the high-profile police incidents, it appears that immediately following the incidents, assailants were constantly exposed to a singular narrative by news organizations and social media of police misconduct and wrong-doing. In many cases, this singular narrative came from the subject’s friends and family, and witnesses to the incident who often knew the subject, long before law enforcement provided their findings to the public. Without law enforcement and elected officials providing an alternative narrative, assailants developed a distrust of law enforcement, and felt emboldened and justified in using violence against police,” said the agency report.

“Defiance appears to be the rule,” it concluded.


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2017 Gallup Poll: Americans Trust in Police Officers at 50 Year High

A Gallup Poll shows respect for cops at a near all time high after 5 cops assassinated in Dallas and 3 cops assassinated in Baton Rouge.

by Justin McCarthy

Story Highlights

  • 76% say they have “a great deal” of respect for the police in their area
  • Respect for law enforcement up since 2015 among whites and nonwhites
  • Majorities in major party, age groups report having respect for police

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three in four Americans (76%) say they have “a great deal” of respect for the police in their area, up 12 percentage points from last year.

Americans' Respect for Police in Their Areas, 1965-2016

In addition to the large majority of Americans expressing “a great deal” of respect for their local police, 17% say they have “some” respect while 7% say they have “hardly any.”

Gallup has asked this question nine times since 1965. The percentage who say they respect the police is significantly higher now than in any measurement taken since the 1990s and is just one point below the high of 77% recorded in 1967. Solid majorities of Americans have said they respect their local law enforcement in all polls conducted since 1965.
Continue reading

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Worlds Value Survey and Pew Poll says less than 5% of Americans are Racist

The Worlds Value Survey and a Pew Poll shows America is among the least racist and most tolerant countries in the world. So we can definitely conclude safely that racism is not in Americas DNA as Obama has proclaimed.

THE WORLDS VALUE SURVEY: Two Swedish Economist looked at the Worlds Value Survey to conclude The United States of America is “among the most racially tolerant countries in the world”.

The survey asked respondents in more than 80 different countries to identify kinds of people they would not want as neighbors. “People of another race” was one option to chose. The Swedish Economist said “the more frequently that people in a given country say they don’t want neighbors from other races” the economists reasoned “the less racially tolerant you could call that society”.

As seen in the Globe Graph above, as indicated by dark blue, less that 5% of Americans said they would not want to live next door to someone of another race. You can also see that both north and south America scored rather well. India and Jordan are the least racially tolerant countries in the world with over 40% of their population answering they did not want to live next door to someone of another race. And almost all of Africa did not score very well according to the survey.

The fact that less than 5% of the Americans polled said they would not want to live next door to someone of another race proves that America and Americans are not near as racist as a lot of people say. You can see more information from the study here.

PEW POLL: The Poll asked 1503 Americans,,, “On balance, do you think having an increasing number of people of many different races, ethnic groups and nationalities in the United States makes this country a better place to live, a worse place to live, or doesn’t make much difference either way?”

As seen in the graph below, less that 5% of the Americans polled said having more people of more races and ethnicities would make the US a worse place to live. And 64% responded saying that more people of more races and ethnicities would actually make the US a better place to live.

This poll is another strong indicator that the United States of America is not all that racist but is actually a very racially tolerant country. So share this post with people when they go to ragging on America and falsely saying the USA is a racist country. You can see the poll here.

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The number of Black People killed by Cops has decreased 70% in the last 40-50 years

Has the number of black people getting killed by cops declined? According to The Center of Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ) and The Centers for Disease Control (CDC),,, yes they have,, dramatically.

The CJCJ reports that a study done by the CDC found that “the rate of police killings of African Americans has fallen by 70 percent over the last 40-50 years”, specifically from 1968 to 2011, while the number of white people killed by cops has risen very slightly during that time period.

The study says “In the late 1960s, nearly 100 young black men under age 25 were killed by law enforcement every year. Even as the black youth and young adult population doubled over the last 40 years, police shootings of young black men fell to around 35 per year in the 2000s, a rate decline of 79 percent. While younger African Americans were the victims in 1 in 4 killings by police in the 1968-74 period and 1 in 7 in 1975-84, today, that proportion is 1 in 10. Similarly, police killings of African Americans 25 and older have declined by 61 percent since the late 1960s”

The study also found that “the racial group most likely to be killed by law enforcement is Native American”

See here for more details

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